Hypnosis can enhance your creativity, boost confidence, and much more
reduce writer’s block and unhelpful thoughts with hypnosis
Do you struggle with your fiction writing?
What if I told you that hypnosis could be the key to unlocking your full potential as a writer? That’s right.
Hypnosis can help you be a better writer and deal with the difficulties of writing.
I reveal five ways hypnosis can enhance your writing AND get you out of writer’s block.
Step Ways
1. Helps you to tap into your inner resources.
2. Decreases negativity and frustration,
3. Increases imagination and can kick-start your creativity!
4. Increased confidence in your writing,
5. Enhances and sharpens focus.
I also share a bonus benefit!
Hypnosis can help you overcome unhelpful habits as you reprogram the subconscious mind for success in writing.
links mentioned
Enjoy this “hypnotic” Journey to the Writers Library
Coach with Cheryl. Consider hypnosis coaching right now.
Full podcast transcription of episode 06
You probably never thought you’d be listening to a podcast about hypnosis when it comes to writing your book. However, hypnosis is very powerful in helping you to finish your fiction book. I’m going to give you five ways. It will help you. Let’s get started.
Do you have writer’s block? Do you struggle with procrastination when it comes to your writing all the time? Do you often feel worried or doubtful about your writing with every click of the keyboard? If so, you are in the right place. My name is Cheryl Reynolds and I help fiction writers become authors. Here at Finish Your Fiction podcast, i will share easy ways for you to move beyond writer’s block, smash those self-sabotaging behaviors and finally stop procrastinating. It’s time for you to cultivate the right writer’s mindset and finish your fiction book now.
Let’s get started. Hey, i got something you might like. Do you want to go on a journey with me? How about the best place that writers would love to go? to The library. Go on over to FinishYourFictionNow.com/library and go on this wonderful hypnotic meditation. It’s free. Welcome to the podcast. Before I begin, you will probably hear my cat snoring. He’s sitting over here in his box and it’s very hypnotic. Actually, he’s no pun intended, but it’s perfect for this episode. So before I get going and telling you the five ways that hypnosis can help you write your book, i want to explain what hypnosis is first and there are many different variations for the definition of hypnosis, but I like to say hypnosis helps your busy mind calm down. It gets you out of your overthinking and lyrical mind, so your subconscious mind can work for you. Your subconscious mind is where you hold all of your thoughts, beliefs, habits and, most often, anything that is giving you trouble usually has been habitualized in your brain in some way, shape or form.
Now, if I was to give a more general description of hypnosis, the Mayo Clinic caused it a changed state of awareness and increased relaxation that helps to improve focus and concentration. That right there can tell you that hypnosis can help you with your writing. But I digress. I love using hypnosis when it comes to my writing, personally and professionally, for myself and with my clients.
Hypnosis actually changes your brain. In a nutshell, it works like this You have patterns and ways of doing things that have been embedded into your subconscious mind and it’s kind of how we go about the day moving around, being able to walk and talk at the same time, drive down the street without thinking about it. Use our mouse as we’re using a mouse, it’s natural. We built up muscle memory, built up habits. We also have built up negative and unhelpful habits, and hypnosis helps us to get out of those habits and to put in new ones. And this is one of the reasons they say that it takes a while for A habit to reform, because you have to take out the old inputs and new. That being said, i’m going to give you five ways.
Hypnosis will help you write your book. Let’s get started, alright.
Number one hypnosis can help you to tap into your inner resources. I always tell my clients that hypnosis is a powerful resource state. It is because all hypnosis is self hypnosis. You are making changes for yourself. A hypnotist, we are just a guide. We just bring you to where you need to go and you make the changes. When you finally start to remove some of those old habits and old ways of thinking, and new, better habits and better ways of thinking start to move into your mind, you start making natural changes. So you become clear about this situation and you start to find your own solution.
Number two hypnosis can help to decrease negativity and frustration when you are having writer’s block, when you’re having a problem, you get frustrated. This frustration cause a loop, because now you’re frustrated and now you’re angry, so now you start to ruminate and you start to overthink, and as soon as you do that, you close down your mind. When you become more open and more spacious and you have less negativity and less frustration, you’re able to think better, you’re able to see the bigger picture and you need to see the bigger picture when it comes to writing. Remember negativity and frustration are the symptoms, not the cause. Hypnosis can help you find the cause of your negativity and frustration.
Number three this is a big one. Hypnosis helps to increase your imagination and it can kickstart your creativity, because hypnosis works on the subconscious part of your brain, which is where your creativity comes from And your subconscious mind communicates with images and metaphors and stories. So this is a natural process and when you open up your creativity, you start to feel more spacious, more engaged in your zone of genius, so to speak, because when you’re in a state of hypnosis, you become calmer and you’re not in your head. So therefore it automatically, naturally, goes to the space and place of opening up your creativity and kickstarting your imagination.
Number four hypnosis can help you find more confidence and self-assurance. I used to work with cheerleaders when I had my hypnosis business in Rhode Island And these girls were amazing, but sometimes their confidence would falter. They’d get in their head, they’d start overthinking and before you know it, they couldn’t make a jump that they could make three days ago. Confidence is huge when it comes to helping with motivation and moving forward in any situation. So when it comes to hypnosis and confidence, we need to know we are good And we want to know that we can meet any challenge that comes our way. We need to believe in ourselves. Sometimes we have been told that we are not good enough, that we can never amount to anything. Automatically this starts to degrade our confidence, it pulls us down and anytime we start to feel confident, we have this voice in our head telling us nope, that’s not true. So what ends up happening is we start to get validation and permission from others from outside of our self to tell us we’re okay. Hypnosis can actually give you subconscious permission to soar And sometimes we need to know internally we are okay. We need to find that confidence and self assurance from inside ourselves, not from external, so we can get rid of all the crap we’ve been told about ourselves, that self confidence can come from the inside and that is really powerful. It’s all from reprogramming unhelpful thinking so that new, powerful, helpful, confident thinking can emerge.
Alright, number five hypnosis can help you focus your mind. Hypnosis is a natural way to focus, it’s a natural way to concentrate and it can help you to bring the task back at hand. When you’re in hypnosis you are very aware of what is going on, but most often you just don’t care and you may be really, really focused on what somebody is saying in hypnosis and at other points you hear absolutely nothing. In other words, your mind is just going off into another space and place. But you always can bring yourself back and it doesn’t really matter how much you are hearing when you’re in hypnosis. Consciously, it matters what your subconscious mind is hearing and we tend to be multitaskers in a normal sense of the way, even though multitasking is not a real thing, it is a myth. But when we shift directions it takes mental energy, it takes mental focus and hypnosis can allow your brain to come back and just to focus on one thing, or to have a little bit more ability to focus on one thing almost the same way you become mindful. When you’re mindful and you are present and you’re able to focus on what is in front of you, you are actually in an open space. When you are mindful, your brain is not able to overthink. When you’re mindful, you are again aware and engaged.
Now, for a little bonus, that also falls into the same realm of focusing your mind. Hypnosis can also help you to prove your memory. When you are not overthinking and you’re more focused, you have more clarity, you can process information easier and your memory will improve.
I hope these suggestions help you and if, at any point, you want to go deeper into learning more about hypnosis and perhaps have a few hypnosis sessions with me, by all means go on over to finishyourfictionnow.com /coaching. Take care and continue to write your book.
Thank you for listening all the way to the end of this podcast. Head on over to the web page to read the show notes at finishyourfictionnow.com. Be sure to grab the valuable resources and never miss an episode by joining my newsletter. Remember you have the power to go from overwhelmed to overjoyed as you become a published author. Go finish your fiction now. See you next week.